

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

UK fugitive Craig 'Lazy' Lynch who taunted police on his Facebook page has been caught

Craig 'Crazy Lynch the fugitive was escaped from jail in the UK and was taunting police via his Facebook page has been caught.

Police have not given any detail as to weather he was caught through the help of Facebook or not?

His page has also disappeared off Facebook but the ' Where is craig 'Lazy' lynch?' group is still around.

Among other shenanigans, Lynch also clued authorities in that he was going to take his "little princess" to a specific shopping mall to meet Santa, according to a report in London's Daily Mail. He later filed an update claiming to be roaming the mall and carrying a 4-foot plush Winnie the Pooh doll.
His audacious literal and figurative one-fingered salutes to the authorities drew over 40,000 people to his Facebook page and other fan sites.  The cheeky antics also inspired a series of T-shirts and a tribute song.
Suffolk Constabulary said that Lynch had been charged with escaping from custody and was due to appear in court later Wednesday.

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