

Saturday, January 16, 2010

YouTube Woman who claimed to have infected 500 men with HIV was a Hoax

A YouTube video of a girl saying she has infected 500 men with HIV was a hoax. The woman wearing a bandanna across her face claimed to have infected 500 people with AIDS. She also claimed to have a list of the people. The video caused outrage across the net when people first came across it. 

The police managed to track her down and she has now admitted that it was a hoax. She also voluntarily submitted to a HIV test which came back negative. 

The LA Times had this to say

Although she wore a bandanna over her face to hide her identity, police said they were still able to track her down. Police said the woman voluntarily submitted to an HIV test, which came back negative.

No charges have been filed against the woman, police spokesman John Roach said Friday.

"We don't see anything at this point under state law that would allow us to press charges, but we are researching," he said.

The woman identified herself to The Detroit News as 23-year-old Jackie Braxton and told the newspaper that she doesn't have AIDS. "I made the tape because I wanted to raise awareness about AIDS," she said.

We have added a copy of the video we found online 

An original post by


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