

Monday, February 8, 2010

Farmville launches an official Valentine's Day contest to spread the love.

Found on the official Farmville Forum. Their official Facebook Farmville page had this to say

 Spread the love with the Valentine's Day Decorating Contest! Submit photos of your Valentine's themed farms from Feb. 4th - Feb. 14th for a chance to win 500 Farm Cash and 500,000 coins in our newest Decorating Contest! 

Valentine's Day Decorating Contest!

Valentine’s Day is fast approaching and in order to get all of our farmers into the spirit, we’re kicking off our newest Decorating Contest!

This time around, we're looking for the most spectacular Valentine’s Day themed farms! Submit photos of your Valentine's themed farms from Feb 4th - Feb 14th for a chance to win 500 Farm Cash and 500,000 coins in our Valentine's Day Decorating Contest!

In addition to the cash and coins, the winners will have their farms presented on the Farmville Fan Page!

Happy Valentine’s Day!


  • The FarmVille team will be selecting our top 10 favorite Valentine's Day Themed Farms on the 14th of February.

  • No photoshopped (or edited) images are allowed. And yes, we can tell. 

  • No flaming or insulting pictures that other players have posted.

  • Posting will end at 6 pm on February 14th.

  • We will announce the top 10 winners on February 16th.

  • Make sure you are creative! The FarmVille team will be judging the pictures based off of originality, effort and presentation.



  • Please refrain from creating images on your farm that are Copyrighted. If you choose to depict a copyrighted image, you will not be selected as one of our winners.

  • Please keep your entries Rated G! We cannot publicly display graphic or inappropriate content on our Fan Page, so if you wish to be a winner, keep it clean!

  • No inappropriate content is allowed in the photos. (The forum rules still apply)

  • The photos must show your entire Farm, within reason. We do not want a zoomed in picture of one or two decorations, show us as much farm as you can!

  • The picture must be original. No going and getting an image off of the internet.

  • Your entry must be an image of your Farm. No posting images of your friends or neighbors farms.

  • If you are selected as one of our winners, you must provide us with your Facebook User ID. These user ID’s can be sent to Lexilicious via Forum PM. (Please do not send your User ID number to me unless you are selected as a winner!)

  • Do NOT post your Facebook User ID on the forums. Entries that are sent to any members of the FarmVille team via PM or email will not be considered valid.

  • No spamming of the thread is allowed. This includes any content that is not relevant to the Decorating Contest.

  • One entry per person. Choose wisely! (This means that creating an additional forum account to post multiple entries is NOT allowed.)

The 10 winners of the contest will receive

  • 500 Farm Cash

  • 500,000 Coins

An original post by


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