

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Farmville unreleased horse stable.

Thank you to FarmVille Freak Xeek for digging up the this information regarding FarmVille's rumored Horse Stable.

This information has not been confirmed.

Looks like barn raising will be coming back for the horse stable. The following two links may shed some light on this rumored item.

This is what Xeek was able to find out.

From what i dug up:

its a 7×3 building
stable is 5000 coins, limit of 1, 20 horses horse, clydesdale, pony, grey, and superbowl horse

it requires you to build the stable
50 items required to do so.
bricks, harnesses, horseshoes, nails, and wood boards 10 of each im seeing coins 100 / cash 1?

they are limited items available from
nails 1/31-2/2
woodboard 2/2-2/4
horseshoe 2/2-2/5
bricks 2/4-2/6
harness 2/6-2/8

FarmVille Freak XeekThis article originally appeared on FarmVille Freak.

It was announced in the official FarmVille January 29th Podcast that stables will be released soon. When released, you will have to collect a brick, a harness, a horseshoe, a nail, and a wooden board. Then you will trade it in for your Horse Stable.

Horse Stable update

FarmVille stables arrived today, and instead of a fully formed building, you need to do some work before you can move in your horses That work consists of acquiring 50 items used to complete the building.

Materials required to complete the stable are the following:
10 boards
10 nails
10 bricks
10 bridles
10 horse shoes

These materials can be acquired in two ways:

1. Convince friends to send them to you as gifts

Staring today, everyone will have two of the materials in the "Free Gifts" tab of the game. Each player will have a different pair of items -- it's completely random -- which they can send to their friends. Items will change every week. The goal is to convince all of your friends to gift the items required, and the best way to do that is by sending gifts to them as well.

Once you receive the items as a gift, accept it and it will appear in your gift box. Open the gift box and click the Use button on the item and the item will be stored in the stable.

2. Buy materials from the FarmVille Market

If you don't want to wait for friends to send all of the right items, there's also an option to purchase them in the Market for FarmVille cash. Each item costs 1 FV$ each, so getting everything you need will cost 50 FV$, which is not exactly cheap. Once you buy the items, they will automatically be stored in the stable.

Once the stable is complete, you'll be rewarded with a gray horse. You can also move up to 20 horses into the stable and harvest every 24 hours.

“Once you’ve placed the Foundation on your farm, you will be prompted with a message letting you know that you can post a feed to ask you friends for help building your stable.
Clicking the “Share” button will give you the option to post a feed to your wall. Up to 10 of your Neighbors can click on this feed to receive 100 Coins.
In order to use your Horse Stable, you’ll need to finish building it. Selecting ‘Look Inside’ from your foundation’s menu will show you what you need to complete your Horse Stable.
When you first place the foundation, you’ll have one Brick already. In order to build a complete stable you’ll need 10 of each item. You can get these items one of two ways:
1. From neighbors via the Free Gifts menu.
Neighbors can send you the components you need to build your Stable. Your Neighbors will be able to send you two of the five types of building components to help you complete your horse stables.
Please note that the two components displayed on the Free Gifts Page are randomized. As such, the components displayed on the Free Gifts Page may be different for each user. These two components are changed weekly.
When neighbors send you a building component, it works exactly like any other free gift. After you accept the gift it will appear in your gift box.
After clicking the “use” button under the gift it will automatically be added to your Horse Stable.
2. Purchasing components from the Market,
You can purchase components required to build your Horse Stable from the Market for 1 Farm Cash per item.
When you reach 25 items, you’ll receive pop-up that will allow you to post a feed to your wall. The first ten neighbors to click this feed will receive a random building component for their own Horse Stable construction.
When you complete your Horse Stable, you will receive a popup asking you if you’d like to share the news with your friends. Clicking the Share button on this popup will give you the option to post a feed to your wall that will give up to five neighbors who click on it a free Grey Horse.

Once the Horse Stable is complete, you’ll receive a Grey Horse of your own.

You’re able to store up to 20 horses in your stable and you may only have one Horse Stable per farm. Right now, you can store the regular brown Horse, the Grey Horse, and a new purchasable Pinto Horse.
Every 24 hours, you’ll be able to collect from the horses stored in your Horse Stable.”

An original post by


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