

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Google Buzz the new social network for Gmail.

Even as Google launched Google Buzz the new social network to be based within their already popular Gmail service, Yahoo and Microsoft took turns to criticize this move.

"Busy people don't want another social network, what they want is the convenience of aggregation," Microsoft said in a statement. "We've done that. Hotmail customers have benefited from Microsoft working with Flickr, Facebook, Twitter and 75 other partners since 2008."

Yahoo tweeted a similar gibe.

"Two years after #Yahoo! launched #Buzz, Google follows suit. Check out the original: http://buzz.yahoo.com/"

Even as they spoke of their innovative forays into social networking both Yahoo and Microsoft were unable to deliver the knock out punch.

According to com Score Google Buzz has added 176 million members on Tuesday to the new service. Not a bad start.

Google Buzz let's you post status updated share videos and pics and automatically connects you to your Gmail friends. 

Source [ CNN.Com ]

An original post by


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