

Monday, February 8, 2010

How to find all the Facebook Ads that are targeted at you.

If you would like to know and view all the current Facebook ads that aretargetted at you pls use this link http://www.facebook.com/ads/adboard/. This page will show you all the ads that have been pushed by facebook to you. You would need to logged into Facebook to see this page.

This also shows the interactivity of these Ads and if you do not wish to see a certain Ad all you need to do is to click the (X) mark next to the Ad. When you do that Facebook will prompt you with a list from a drop down box to please explain why you do not like this Ad.

The reasons they ask you to choose from are

1. Misleading
2. Offensive
3. Uninteresting
4. Irrelevant
5. Repetitive
6. Other

Once you choose your answer that Ad will no more appear before you. Viola

Sample Facebook Ad below

The oomph factor

KAZO is an international brand of western wear for young chics and trendy women.Go a head and get dressed with KAZO


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