

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Petville: How to Redecorate your pet's home.

How to decorate your floors, walls, furniture and windows.

Each player starts with several floors, walls and furniture items. You Pet will be most amused if you keep things looking new and clean. To redecorate or rearrange your room you would need to.

1. Click on the 'Storage' icon on the lower left hand corner of your screen.
2. This will open your storage and how you the items in your possession.
3. Drag the item you want to place in your room from storage and place it wherever you want. Some items however will go only on the floor (Tables and Chairs) and some others are only for the wall ( Windows shelves and artwork)
4. Once you have dragged your item to where you want to place it release your mouse button to place it down.
5. To place an item back into storage, drag the item back into storage
6. To sell an item from storage drag it to the Cash Register Icon on the left side of your storage area
7. To change the walls or floor simply drag one of the color patters from storage into your room and release the mouse button. The wall or floor color or pattern will automatically change and your old color or pattern is automatically stored in your 'Storage'

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