

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Apple iPad to have at least 150,000 apps from day 1

Coming April 3rd 2010 the iPad already has 150,000 apps ready for the iPad. Apps for games, social networking, entertainment and productivity. To list the various types of Apps available would be quiet exhausting. With it's wide screen the iPad is good for movies and especially for games. Users can now play games on the go with a large screen in high definition with a screen that automatically adjusts itself to the users position.

Can you sync your iPhone and iPod Touch Apps with the iPad.
If you already have Apps for your iPhone or iPod Touch you can sync them to your new iPad from your Mac or PC. Once you Sync them they will run in their original size or you can expand them to fit the screen.

How to download Apps on the iPad.

Simply tap the App Store icon on your iPad and you can download Apps wherever your are. There is also a section of the store that features Apps specifically for the iPad. There are already hundreds of Apps that make use of the iPad's large display, responsive performance and multi-touch interface. You can also use the iPad to browse through Apps for the iPhone or iPod Touch. No matter what you need you can bet there's already an App for it. So check out the iPad App Store.

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