

Friday, March 26, 2010

How to build a yard in PetVille

PetVille has announced new Yards for your pet house. There is a simple way to get started and you can also help your friends get started by sending them free gifts. The new yard store is also open and ready for business with materials to help decorate your yard.

How to Build a yard.
There are 5 different kinds of material that you will need.
Collect each of 10 yard building materials for a total of 50 items
Each of your friends can send you different kinds of materials
Extra yard material can be purchased from the yard window

How to get started.
To get started you would need to click on the new yard icon on the right side of your house.

There will be a progress sign while you are constructing your yard.

You get one wheelbarrow of dirt to help you get started. Your yard will contain a wooden sign with a green button on it. Click this button to use the materials you have collected. This button can be used anytime you have new materials to use.


Once you have used up all your materials you would need to click on the "Get Supplies" button in your yard to bring up the materials window. In this window you can see how many more materials you would need, buy more materials, or ask your friends to send you more materials.

Send your friends yard materials for free and ask them to send some back to you.

Sending Materials:

Each pet can send 2 of the 5 materials you will need. These materials that you gift are determined randomly, so you will need the help of a few friends to collect all of the 5 different kinds of materials that you will need.

Once your done:

Once you finish building your yard you can then begin to decorate. Visit the new yard store to find decorations. Click on the world icon to visit the brand new yard store.

So go ahead and give your pet's a breath of fresh air and a feel of the great outdoors

An original post by


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