

Thursday, March 4, 2010

'American Idol' ditches individual Twitter and Facebook Pages

AI9 has ditched individual pages of all contestants on social networking sites. All individual pages from myspace, Twitter and Facebook have been consolidated into one big page on each of these respective sites. 

Twitter followers of the remaining contestants were treated to the following message Wednesday night, alerting them to the switcheroo: "Thanks so much for following me! All my updates from now on will be on our Official Ai9 Twitter Page, please follow me there @AI9Contestants." Their Facebook fans received a similar message, directing them to the Official American Idol 9 Contestant Page: AI9 Contestants.

The media response to the change has been one of vague suspicion. The going theory is that "Idol" producers were likely concerned that the discrepancies between the number of contestants' followers may have eroded the suspense about who America prefers -- and may even have affected the way the audience voted.

The switch seems cool as you get all the Tweets and updates in one single page and you don't have to go from one individual page to another. 

An original post by


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