

Monday, March 8, 2010

Manage multiple Twitter accounts with one Mail ID

This comes in handy for people who have different accounts for business and personal Tweets. You know how it is. You have an account where you speak about your company and keep it official but also have another account to Tweet all your personal thoughts.

Twitter on the other hand will not allow you to create more than one account per email ID which means to create another account you would need to use another mail ID which makes things all a bit too tedious. 

So here is a simple workaround and works only with Gmail. Supposing you have a Gmail ID let's say xyz@gmail.com. You can add a (  .  ) anywhere in that username and Gmail will deliver all mails to the originial ID. So you can use x.yz@gmail.com or you can use x.y.z@gmail.com and all mail will be delivered to the originial mail ID which is xyz@gmail.com.

So this is what you use to trick Twitter. Twitter will consider xyz@gmail.com and x.yz@gmail.com as two separate and valid email addresses and even though both point to the same Gmail Inbox. Using this you can manage all your Twitter Handel's and  Twitter account from one mail ID.

Another way is  When you open an account in Gmail, you automatically get another valid email address that uses the googlemail.com domain.

So if you only have two handles on twitter, you can use the gmail.com address with one handle and the googlemail.com address with the second handle.

An original post by


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