

Friday, March 19, 2010

National Day of unplug March 19 -20 sunset to sunset

Sabbath Manifesto: Put down the Blackberry. Stop with the Facebook status updates. Quit Tweeting. Sign out of Gmail. Unplug, unwind and power down.

Join us in fighting back against the tidal wave of technology taking over society and our lives.

The ancient Jewish manifesto that God made all things in six days and rested on the seventh is back. A group of Jewish hyper connected individuals want to slow things down and reconnect with the real. They are asking people to totally unplug from Technology on the National Day of unplug March 19 -20 sunset to sunset. Will you do it?

It sounds good with all the Tweets and Facebook status updates and live feeds happening. Driving people to sit more in form of their computers and not with their real world friends. maybe it's time to reboot and unwind and touch the universe.

The Sabbath Manifesto has 10 points to help you if you do want to reboot and connect with yourself and the real world that you once knew.

1. Avoid technology.

2. Connect with loved ones.

3. Nurture your health.

4. Get outside.

5. Avoid commerce.

6. Light candles.

7. Drink wine.

8. Eat bread.

9. Find silence.

10. Give back.

An original post by


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