

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

PetViile launches Backyard Designer Contest

PetVille's new backyard contest is now live. You need to post a picture of your pet in the backyard with a creation that you design. It could be anything from swing's to birds to a full backyard creation. Anything to make your Pet feel more comfortable in the backyard. So with the new launch of a nice landscaped backyard. PetVille needs some help to create the perfect environment. Landscaping is now the Buzz word for the backyard in PetVille

You can draw sketch or paint or simply use screenshots from PetVille to submit your new design. The Winner will receive a 100 in Pet Cash!

Enter the Backyard Designer Contest

The winning entries will also be featured on 
PetVille’s Fan Page

Here are the rules we have reposted from their blog

The Rules

  • One entry per person. If you post multiple images, only the first one you post will be entered and additional images will be removed.

  • You must post your entry to this thread. You may use any free image hosting website to display the picture. Here is a guide on how to post a picture to the forums.

  • Your entry must be your own creation. Feel free to draw, paint, color, or even color on top of a PetVille screenshot to show us what you’d like to design. (This means no using images that you found on the web or in magazines.)

    • Designs should be of a reasonably sized object for your pet’s backyard. (No pools, tennis courts, guest houses, or any other extremely large objects for this contest)

    • Feel free to add text to your post to describe the details of your design.

    • Please name your design!

    • Entries will be judged on their creativity, not on the artistic ability of the player. Everyone is welcome to enter!

    • You are entering one item into the contest. If you feel that you must draw other things in your picture, make sure to tell us which item you are entering into the contest!

    • Your picture must include your pet. Your pet can be drawn in the picture or you can draw on top of a screenshot. Your pet can be using the item that you’ve created or just standing back and admiring the item.

    • All forum rules must be followed.

    • As a reminder, all entries must abide by the Zynga Terms of Service.

  • All entries must be posted to the forums by Monday, March 15th, 2010 at 10:00 AM PST.

The Prizes

  • One grand prize winner will receive 100 Pet Cash and their design will inspire an item created for the game!

  • Two runners-up will receive 25 Pet Cash!

Selection of Winners

  • The PetVille team will select the top entries based on their creativity and how well their item could be incorporated into the game. Make sure to name your design too!

  • Winners will be contacted via Private Message on or around Friday, March 19th, 2010 for prize distribution.

An original post by


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