

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Toyota takes to Twitter to try and repair it's image

It's nice to see such a large and high-profile company taking to Twitter to try and help repair the damage after the negative backlash due to the recall of vehicles with safety issues.

Toyota has decide to deal with it and using the services of TweetMeme and Federated Media have launched a channel to follow conversations and what's being said about them in real time. The site is called ToyataConversations. Most of the results being displayed on the site have a leaning towards the positive aspects of the company but the general feel is quiet negative. Shows that the results bing show are a little bit tweaked towards being more positive. 

Check out what TweetFeel has to analyze and say about real-time user conversations. It leans towards the negative. Tweet Feel analyzes conversations from twitter and tells you whether it is negative or positive.

The good thing though is that large companies are learning the importance of social networking sites and the power behind them. Enough to make them get in on the action.

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