

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Will baby animals ever grow up in FarmVille

This Weeks podcast from FarmVille brought out an interesting uses questions. The user wanted to know if baby animals on FarmVille ever grow up. The answer to that was that baby animals as of now do not grow up but FarmVille plans to introduce a new feature to users who want their baby animals to grow up. The game creators have announced that if users choose they can allow their baby animals to grow up.

This is still in the works and the feature has not been released but soon will. So those users who do not want their baby animals to stay babies forever will now have an option to allow their baby animals to grow up. So farmers can now have the calf's and foals grow into full grown adults. The plan is to introduce this feature this coming spring and more details will be available soon.

An original post by


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