

Thursday, April 8, 2010

FarmVille Puppies

Puppies can be purchased from the market for either farm cash or coins. The red border coolie can be purchased for 300,000 coins from the market, currently this is the only breed and color that can be purchased for coins and you can also change it's color. If you change it's color you will be charged farm cash for your purchase. when you click buy a pop-up will appear letting you know that you'll need to feed your puppy everyday in order to keep it from running away. Clicking ok on this pop-up will take you to the puppy customization screen, at this point you can pick a name and a gender for your puppy. Once your ready to purchase the red border coolie click the buy button. You will also receive a pop-up reminding you to feed your puppy kibble once every 24 hours. If your puppy runs up to you with a thought button over it's head with kibble inside it means your puppy is hungry and needs to be fed. In order to keep your puppy from going to the pound you need to feed it kibble once every 24 hours. Kibble can be purchased from the market for 5 farm cash or you can ask your friends to send you kibble. Clicking the "Ask Your Friends" will give you to option to post a feed that if clicked, will allow 3 of your neighbors to send you one bag of kibble each. This feed will remain active for 24 hours or until 3 neighbors have clicked it. Each neighbor that helps you will receive a 100 coins. All the kibble you receive either from the market or your neighbors will automatically go into you gift box. To find the status of your puppy simply mouse over your pet and you'll see how many times out of 14 that they have been fed. If they are currently hungry you will see how much time they have before they run away. If they have already been fed you will see a timer showing you how much time there is before they are hungry again. 

If you neglect to feed your puppy it will end up in the pound and you would need to pay farm cash to get it out. If your puppy runs away there will be an icon on the left hand of your screen with picture of your puppy behind bars. Clicking on this icon will inform you that your puppy is in the pound. From the pet section of the market you will have to pay 3 farm cash to free your puppy from the pound. 

Remember you can only have one coin purchased puppy, that means if your puppy goes to the pound you cannot get another puppy for coins. You will have to release him from the pound or purchase a new puppy from the market with farm cash. 

If you do not want to deal with the stress of a coin puppy you can buy the golden retriever sheep dog and border coolie for 65 farm cash each. Each puppy has the option for three different colors along with the same options as the coin puppy. The cash puppy also comes along with a two week supply of kibble. You may purchase as many farm cash puppies as you want and they will not run away if they are not fed. All puppies well taken care of will become full grown dogs in the future.  

Puppies have arrived in FarmVille! Now you can choose, name and adopt your very own furry friend! Visit the Market to take home an adorable Golden Retriever, Sheepdog or Border Collie today!

Pets have finally come to FarmVille.You can now buy a puppy of your very own in our Market! Your new puppy will follow you wherever you go, and will eventually become a full grown dog! Here’s how you can get one.

How to get a puppy in FarmVille

Coin Option – Buying Your Puppy
You can purchase the Red Border Collie for 300,000 Coins:

When you click Buy, the following pop-up appears, letting you know that you’ll need to feed your puppy every day in order to keep it from running away. You are NOT charged for the puppy at this point. Clicking Okay on this pop-up takes you to the Puppy Customization screen:

At this point, you can pick a Name for your puppy, and whether it is Male or Female. 
PLEASE NOTE: The only color available for the coin Border Collie is Red. If you select a color other than Red, the price will change from 300,000 Coins to 65 Farm Cash:

Once you’re ready to purchase your Red Border Collie, click the Buy button. You’ll receive a popup reminding you to feed your puppy Kibble once every day, or it will run away:

Clicking Okay will take you to your Farm to place your new puppy. You are only charged for the puppy when you place him or her on your Farm. Once your puppy is placed, it will run up to you with a thought bubble over its head with Kibble inside.

This means that your puppy is hungry and needs kibble!
Coin Option – Feeding Your Puppy
In order to keep your puppy around, once it’s hungry you’ll need to feed it Kibble once every 24 hours for a period of 14 days. You can get Kibble one of two ways:

Purchasing it in the Market for 5 Farm Cash (one bag per 5 Farm Cash):

Or you can ask your friends to send you Kibble via Feeds. Selecting Ask for Kibble from your puppy’s pulldown menu will bring up the following popup:

Clicking Ask Your Friends will give you the option to post a feed that if clicked will let up to three of your neighbors send you one bag of Kibble each. This feed remains active for up to 24 hours, or once three neighbors have clicked. Each neighbor that helps you receives 100 Coins.

All Kibble you receive whether from Neighbors or from the Market will automatically go to your Gift Box. To feed your puppy, when you have Kibble available and they are hungry, either select Feed from the puppy’s pulldown menu.

To view the status of your puppy, simply mouseover your pet, and you’ll see how many times out of 14 that they’ve already been fed. If they’re currently hungry, you’ll see how much time you have before they run away (the “Feed Now” timer). If they’ve already been fed once for the day, you’ll see a timer showing how long you have before they’re hungry again.

Clicking Pay Fine will take you to the Pets section of the Market with a ‘Rescue My Dog’ option.

Clicking Buy will take you back to your Farm and give you the option to place your puppy.
Farm Cash Option – Buying A Puppy
You can buy the Golden Retriever, Sheep Dog, and Border Collie for 65 Farm Cash Each. Each Puppy has the option for three different colors, along with the same options as the Coin Option puppy. The Cash puppy also comes with a 2 weeks supply of Kibble.

You may purchase as many Farm Cash puppies as you want, and they will not run away if they are not fed for a day.

Eventually, all puppies, if well taken care of will become full grown dogs!
PLEASE NOTE: Your Farm Cash will not be deducted until you place your puppy on your Farm.

Remember that you may only have one Coin purchased puppy. That means that if your puppy goes to the pound, you can not purchase another Coin puppy. You’ll have to retrieve your original puppy from the pound.
Rescuing Your Puppy From the Pound – Coin Puppy Only
If you forget to feed your puppy, they’ll end up in the pound, and you’ll need to pay to get them out. When you enter FarmVille after your puppy’s run away, there will be a HUD icon in the upper-left hand corner of your screen with a puppy behind bars. Once you click on this HUD icon, you’ll receive the following pop up:

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