

Friday, April 2, 2010

How to add or upload a photo or video to your Facebook News Feed update via email

You can send photos and videos directly to your Facebook status updates via email. Making it easier for people who do not have Facebook access let's say at office but would like to really update their status immediately. Sharing those great photos you took on your holiday and what not. 

To get your personalized email ID to use with your Facebook status update you would first need to login to Facebook. Click your News Feed, then click on the tiny video icon photo icon. This is the option you get.

Select an image file on your computer.

Or upload via email

Once you click on upload via email this is the pop up window you get with the options found below. The email ID given to you is private and should not be shared. If you do share it you run the risk of finding your status update being done by other people. You really don't want that

Use a personalized upload email to post status updates or send photos and videos straight to your profile. Your personal upload email is:


Send my upload email to me now.


  • This is *your* personal email - don't share it with anyone.

  • The email subject will be used as the caption of your photo or video if your email contains photo or video.

  • The email subject will be used as your updated status if your email contains no photo or video.

  • Save your upload email as a contact for easy access.

  • Photos and videos uploaded via email are visible to everyone by default. You can change this for any album from the site itself.

  • Anytime you want, refresh your upload email.

An original post by


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