

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Jim Carey shows his support for Tiger Woods on Twitter.

Jim Carrey who announced his split from Jenny McCarthy this week on Twitter has posted several tweets defending Tiger Woods and criticizing Wood's wife Elin. Jim has since toned down his tweets but here are the Tweets he posted regarding the Tiger Woods episode.

Tiger Woods owes nothing 2 anyone but himself. 2 please his father he gave up his childhood and his freedom in the world. That's enough!--->

No wife is blind enough to miss that much infidelity. Elin had 2 b a willing participant on the ride 4 whatever reason. kids/lifestyle ;^)

Whenever we form a consensus about some1 we envy, who's stumbling, our collective ego LOVES to flex it's unified muscle! S'ugly! }%^O

RT I want 2 make it CLEAR that I do not condone infidelity at all, but 2 some degree the responsibilty 4 it is shared by both people! ;^)

In any event, infidelity has never been an issue 4 me. If I tried to keep a secret like that, I would grow a tumor and devil horns! }:^<-

My people called and said I might have to tame my tweets a little. So here goes...I'm going to make a sandwich now. peanut butter.(sigh) ;^

An original post by


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