

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Twitter acquires Tweetie and drops the $2.99 price tag

Twitter announced on their blog that they have acquired Atebits (AKA Loren Britcher) to acquire Tweetie the leading iPhone Twitter client. Tweetie therefore will be renamed Twitter for iPhone and will be made free. Prior to the acquisition the app for available in the Apple App store for about $3 and will now be available for free.

"We're thrilled to announce that we've entered into an agreement with Atebits (aka Loren Brichter) to acquire Tweetie, a leading iPhone Twitter client. Tweetie will be renamed Twitter for iPhone and made free (currently $2.99) in the iTunes AppStore in the coming weeks. Loren will become a key member of our mobile team that is already having huge impact with device makers and service providers around the world. Loren's work won the 2009 Apple Design Award and we will eventually launch Twitter for iPad with his help.

As we work to provide the best possible Twitter experience on all of the major mobile platforms, momentum will increase dramatically. Millions more active, engaged, mobile users means more opportunities for all of us. Developers, services, and publishers will be able to leverage the Twitter iPhone and iPad applications to create additional innovative tools and integrations for users. We'll have more specific information on this once Loren is officially on board. In the meantime, please join us in welcoming Loren to the Twitter team."

Twitter for the iPad will also be launched with the help of Lauren. Other Twitter mobile clients need to see red as they may be soon out if business with Twitter now official moving into the mobile landscape and pushing it's service free of any costs to people who depend on mobile applications to use Twitter.

Loren had this to say about his experience and he seems to be more than happy to be a part of Twitter from the inside

"Now I’ll be working with them on the inside. I’m happy to say that as of today Twitter is the proud owner of Tweetie - and I’m joining their mobile team and starting work on turning Tweetie.app into Twitter.app, for iPhone and iPad."

An original post by


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