

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Zodiac Facts

@ZodicFacts is trending again today on Twitter. They keep Tweeting various facts about the various signs and these tweets just keep getting Rting on Twitter.


Duration (Tropical, Western) 18 February – 20 March (2010, UTC)

Duration (Sidereal, Hindu)[1] 15 March – 8 April (2010, UTC)


Duration (Tropical, Western) 18 February – 20 March (2010, UTC)

Duration (Sidereal, Hindu)[1] 15 March – 8 April (2010, UTC

So if your now a Pisces or an Aquarius shout out to your friends who are and if you are one of the above two signs there are a lot of insightful tweets going around about your sign. People who belong to the two signs are also tweeting about the characteristics of their signs.

A Few Random Tweets.

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