

Friday, May 21, 2010

Facebook how to stop groups from publishing to your wall

By default Facebook has set your permission to ok. So if there is a group you belong to the group can publish information and other stuff to your wall. You might like it or might not like it if you belong to the latter there is a simple provision to stop groups from posting to your wall.

There are many reasons why owners of groups might want to publish something to your wall. One is to maybe keep you updated on the latest happenings within the group. Sometimes it could be pure spam. Groups owners wanting to make their groups a bit more famous by publishing info to people's walls.

Publishing on people's walls ensures that groups get the added visibility they seek and popularity that results from it. Whatever may be the reason if you want to stop Facebook groups from publishing stuff on your wall here is what you need to do to set permissions.

1. Login to Facebook.

2. Click on Account (Found on the top right hand corner)

3. Click on Application Settings

4. Find "Groups"

5. Beside Groups click the "Edit Settings" button

6. Click on "Additional Permissions"

7. Uncheck the "Publish Content To My Wall". Found Below the link "Groups Has permission to:

8. Click the "Okay" button.

And you done. Groups will now not be able to publish content to your wall. This setting is universal and applies to all the groups you belong to. You do not need to do this one group at a time but once done becomes the groups default settings.

An original post by


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