

Friday, May 28, 2010

Facebook launches new privacy settings and privacy guide

Facebook has launched privacy settings with a whole new design. When you click on Privacy Settings you are taken to a whole new page where things seem simpler and easier to understand. The options however remain the same and  you need to play around a little to get it right. There is also a guide that has been launched to help explain all of these settings.

To understand each of these settings Facebook has got a page that explains all of this and is available here. We are also posting the guide in this post if you would like to read through it. The New Privacy page on Facebook now looks like this.

Choose Your Privacy Settings

  • Basic Directory Information

    To help real world friends find you, some basic information is open to everyone. We also suggest setting basics like hometown and interests to everyone so friends can use those to connect with you. View settings

  • Sharing on Facebook

    • Everyone

    • Friends of Friends

    • Friends Only

    • Recommended

    • Custom

    • EveryoneFriends of FriendsFriends OnlyOther
      My status, photos, and posts
      Bio and favorite quotations
      Family and relationships   
      Photos and videos I'm tagged in   
      Religious and political views   
      Can comment on posts  
      Email addresses and IM  
      Phone numbers and address  

    Customize settings

    This is your current setting.

Applications and Websites

Edit your settings for using applications, games and websites.

Block Lists

Edit your lists of blocked people and applications.

Controlling How You Share

Learn more about your privacy on Facebook.

An original post by


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