

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

FarmVille how to get the Wild Mustang and Wild Mustang Foal

FarmVille has now got Wild Mustangs roaming around and visiting farms. If you see a wild mustang on your farm you will need the help of 5 friends to wrangle her if you would like to keep her. There are also wild mustang foals.

So go and search your farm now for a chance to complete the challenge and get a wild mustang to keep on your farm. 

There is also another catch FarmVille will insist that you give them permission to contact you via email. So if they have your mail ID and you have a minimum of five neighbors then while you are tending your farm this message will pop up.

When you click "Ask For Help" you must choose a minimum of 5 neighbors and a up to a maximum of 15. 

If the friends you are asking for help have not given FarmVille their email IDs. The Following message will pop up.

This is a three day challenge and your friends need to respond really fast. To be of any use to you they should have also signed up with FarmVille to receive notifications via email. 

Once you have started wrangling your wild mustang you can check your progress at any time by hovering your mouse over the wold mustang icon. 

Once you have received enough responses the next time you login to FarmVille you will get this pop-up. Remember a minimum of 5 responses are needed.

The mustang will wait for you in your gift box. Once you place the mustang on your farm you can them post a feed offering a foal to 5 neighbors within 24 hours. 

If you have been unable to find five neighbors then you can still purchase the mustang for 20 farm cash. If you have let's say 2 neighbors who offered help then it would be 20 farm cash minus 2 and so on.

If you do not want to go through this whole process and would like simply to purchase the wold mustang for 20 farm cash. You would need to click on the " Buy Help" button.

[ photos courtesy: Zynga FarmVille ]

An original post by


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