

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

How to follow Google Annual Developer Conference Updates.

Google's annual developer conference has started and yes there are many of us who would like to know what's happening and what's the latest scoop. We know now that Google has apologized for the Google Wave confusion. They are also building an App store for web applications. 

The conference has 5,000 developers and over 100 developers will be showcasing their technologies. 

Google's largest developer conference of the year will feature technical content featuring Android, Google Chrome, Google APIs, GWT, App Engine, open web technologies, and more.

Follow @googleio or Buzz for the latest updates on I/O. (official hashtag: #io2010)

Watch the I/O keynotes live on the GoogleDevelopers YouTube channel. To view the schedule for the keynotes, check out the Agenda page.

I/O stands for according to Google innovation out in the open

@googleio on Twitter (#io2010)
Google I/O on Buzz

An original post by


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