

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

How to install Twitter on Linkedin

Linkedin now fully functions like a Twitter client. Once you add the Twitter application to your Linkedin account you can then find and follow your all your Linkedin connections on Twitter. The application has all the functionalities to provide a complete Twitter experience while still on Linkedin. Once you add the applciation on your Linkedin account. The application will ask you for your Twitter email ID and password to login. You can also enter your user name and password and it works just as well.

Once you add the Linkedin Twitter application to your account this is what happens.

1. It will automatically follow your Twitter connections who are already on Linkedin. Provided both of you are already following each other on Twitter

2. It will show you your Linkedin connections who are also using Twitter.  You can then choose to follow.

3. You can update your Twitter status right from Linkedin.

4. There is also a check box if you would like to update your linkedin status as well.

5. Choose to display all Tweets or only Tweets that contain #in

6. The left hand toolbar has a complete list of people you follow on Twitter

7. The "Connections" tab has three options. a) All Connections. These are your Linkedin connections who have added Twitter accounts to their profiles. b) Following. These are people who you are connected to on Linkedin and twitter already. c) Not Following. You Linkedin connections who have Twitter accounts but whom you are not connected to on Twitter.

8. Save your Linkedin connections as a dynamic twitter list.

9. Once you login to Linkedin after installing the Twitter application you would need to click on "More" on the  main tool bar and then "Tweets" to access the application

10. You can choose to display or hide your Twitter account on your Linkedin profile.

It's all about  finding people you want to follow right from Linkedin. You can find all your Linkedin connections who are already on Twitter and follow them if you want. It is also a nice way to use Twitter more from a professional networking perspective.

Install the Tweets application on LinkedIn

[Image Courtesy: Linkedin ]

An original post by


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