

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

iPad what can it do

This is just a quick round up and things you can do using the ipad.

1. You can make calls on the iPad and the applications of choice is Skype there is also Vonage and Truphone

2. You can work on Word Docs, Spread sheets and Power Point Presentations.

3. You can connect a camera and memory card directly to the iPad

4. Automatically access photos from your iPhone or iPod Touch

5. download movies from iTunes and other sites and watch when your offline

6. Download attachments like videos, photos and songs

7. Download ebooks for iBooks and enjoy a good read.

8. Games and more games, the iPad is good for games and you can download games it is excellent for games.

9. Browse the web. Supports HTML5 and java Script.

10. Photos look really beautiful on the iPad upload photos and organize them in albums.
12. Read newspapers and magazines on the ipad

13. WiFi connectivity

14. Apps, the iPad runs all iPhone apps and therefore makes it all the more valuable with the choice of apps that fit every users needs.

15.Supports iWork software

16. Touchscreen QWERTY keyboard or use a physical keyboard

17. 10 inch touchscreen

Something we missed please do let us know

An original post by


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