

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Official Twitter App for the iPhone

After Twitter bought "Tweetie" last month. They have been quick to upgrade it and now continue it's free distribution on the iTunes store simply titled Twitter. Twitter for iPhone is being listed as 3.0 and comes with upgrades so if you want to use the official Twitter App on your iPhone and tweet to your hearts content here goes.

It's actually high time that Twitter came with some official Apps. There are so many third party Apps for Twitter which actually leads to confusion. 

What's New in Version 3.0

Tweetie is now Twitter! We didn’t just do a name change, we’ve added a bunch of new stuff.

Search has been reorganized, now you can search all tweets and find users in the same spot, view Top Tweets and Browse Suggested users.

Search results now include Top Tweets, try it with Trends...winner combo!

You can now use Twitter without an account! Search, Browse uses, view trends and top tweets.

Sign-up is now availabile within the application as well, complete with Suggested user list.

More tab has been re-organized to accomplish all this. Users with one account can add a second account under the Accounts and Settings button here.

Actions we’ve found people use most, like Retweet have been moved to the main actions bar.

Minor tweaks were made to tweet rendering so they match Twitter.com tweets

[Photo Courtesy iTunes Store]

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