

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Oil Spill PR efforts of BP get mocked by a satirical Twitter feed

The feed says things like "Mermaids are real, they are now extinct", "does anyone have Criss Angel's email? I bet he can make this oil disappear!". and so on has generated interest and gathered a large number of followers. The obviously bogus account can be found at @BPGlobalPR while the real BP PR feed can be found at @BP_Americawhich has just about 5, 247 followers. The satirical account launched on the 19th already has 32,568 followers.

The fake account mocks the efforts of BP and the founders still remain anonymous. They barely conform to Twitter rules on parody and the real BP has still not asked twitter for their shut down. So the fake account continues to grow and the tweets keep coming. On this Twitter Bio this is what is said "This page exists to get BP's message and mission statement out into the twitterverse!"

This logo is also a take on the real BP logo so instead of the green and yellow they have a black and white with an oil spill.

The latest tweet on their account

Dropping everything to work on our "Oil Slickers" movie script. Hopefully Billy Crystal is available/willing to work with oil. #bpcares

You can follow the discussion with the hash tag #bpcares.

An original post by


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