

Sunday, May 16, 2010

YouTube Small Talk Contest

Kids videos have always been the rage on YouTube. Somehow kids and videos go hand in hand. The two are inseperable and YouTube would like to encourage even greater participations beween parents, children and YouTube.

Some of the funniest videos on YouTube have alwasy been about Kids. The say the funniest things and do the most hilirious things. The best part is that it is not staged and completely natural. YouTube might have full length movies and a lot of professionally made stuff but the most famous still reamins videos shot naturally by ordinary people.

YouTube's Small Talk contest is for just those moments. Got a funny video that you think people are going to love simple signup for the contest on YouTube. The contest is going to be hosted by Ryan Seacrest. The grand prize winner will win $ 10,000.

So if you have those funny family moments and would like to share it with the rest of the world this is a contest you want to enter.

The contest has 10 questions that you need to get your kid to answer.

To enter and get started Please click here

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