

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Benjamin Netanyahu's Israeli PM users Social Media to explain his position

Benjamin Netanyahu took to Facebook, Twitter and his YouTube channel to post videos and spread his message saying that Israeli Soldiers were lynched. He says that the Israeli soldiers were not met with peaceful people but were met with clubs and other weapons. He further goes on to ask people to decide for themselves after watching the videos.

There is also a video on his Facebook page saying that the Flotilla crew were terrorists. This video has footage released in bits and pieces.  

This video is called keeping lies afloat. Made by a group who wants to bring the truth about Israel to American's aged 20 - 34

Video found on Benjamin Netanyahu YouTube Channel

"Israel is facing an attack of international hypocrisy," he said.

"If the blockade had been broken, it would have been followed buy dozens, hundreds of boats," he added. "Each boat could carry dozens of missiles."

He noted that the Israeli takeover of five of the boats went relatively calmly, but on the sixth ship, "we saw an action directed by terrorists affiliated with Hamas. This was not the Love Boat."

"There was an attempt to lynch Israeli soldiers," Netanyahu charged. "Are these peace lovers, pacifists? These are supporters of terrorism, extremists."

An original post by


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