

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Enter the Windows Phone 7 App Idea Contest now and win $5,000

Yes Windows is running are new Windows Phone 7 App writing contest on Facebook. Windows wants your idea you don't need to have any technical know-how. All you need is a great idea and writing skills. Since you need to be able to write down your idea very clearly. Don't want to write no problem grab your camera and start recording explain in detail your new App idea and Microsoft will build that App for you. Once you App is built it will be available as a free download in the Marketplace after the Holidays 2010 Launch of the new Windows Phone 7. 

The Grand prize winner get $5,000 and a Windows Phone 7 device
4 runners-up will get a new Zune HD 16GB. 
Contest Ends July 08, 2010
To Enter the contest please go here http://www.windowsphone7.com/ineedthisapp/

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