

Thursday, June 24, 2010


FishVille has this to say about the New nautilus creature.

Hi Fish Fans! Considered by many to be living fossils, this curious little creature is a rare treat and the first of its kind for FishVille. The Nautilus is only available for the next 6 days so stop by FishVille to pick one up today! 

The Nautilus creature is a rare collectable item on FishVille and available for only 6 days. If you want one you need to go and get it now. It is available for 14 sand dollars. 

Having survived relatively unchanged for millions of years, nautiluses represent the only living members of the subclass Nautiloidea, and are often considered "living fossils."

These are great companions for your fish and lobsters. Giving your tank a deep sea feel. 

An original post by


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