

Saturday, June 5, 2010

How to stop your Facebook profile from showing up on Search Engines

If you do not want your Facebook profile from showing up on search engines Facebook has provided a way out. many people do not want to found on Search Engines and would like to stop search engines indexing their Facebook information. A lot can be found out about a person from their Facebook profile like who you are and who your friends are. A whole lot of things and some people would rather not have it like that. 

This however is the easiest way for your friends to find you. If however you would like to turn this feature off and  prefer not to be found on Google, Yahoo and Bing here is what you need to do.

How to stop your Facebook profile from showing up on Search Engines

1. Login to facebook.
2. Click on Account. (Right hand top corner)
3. Click on Privacy Settings
4. Under Applications and Settings click on " Edit Your Settings". Found on the bottom left hand corner
5. Click on "Edit Settings" found right down at the bottom.
6. Uncheck the "Enable Public Search" box
7. You are asked to confirm. 

8. Click on confirm and your done.

Note: This is an old post and if you want the latest instruction son how to remove your Facebook Profile from Search engines. Check our latest post here. Once you remove or disable public search of your Facebook profile. Your fb profile will no more show up on search engines. You can also check out our video below.


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