

Sunday, June 13, 2010

How to troubleshoot FeedBurner feeds not being updated

If you find that you feeds are not being updated in FeedBurner here are a few things you can do to troubleshoot and find out what the problem is.

You can ping FeedBurner with you website address, What this does is ping FeedBurner and get your feeds updated immediately and not their regular 30 minute intervals.

Click here to ping FeedBurner now

If this does not work you will need to login to your account 
1. Click on the feed that your having trouble with
2. Click on Troubleshootize
3. Click on Resync Now
Remember to click on Resync Now only if you feed has not been updated for over an hour after clicking on Ping.

If this does not work you would need to check your feed validity.

You can use www.FeedValidator.org to check you feeds validity. You can go to the original site but the better option is to use it right from your FeedBurner account.

1. Click on the feed that your having trouble with

2. Click on Troubleshootize

3. Beside the option "The Fix" there is the option for your to check your feeds originial validity and to check your FeedBurner feed validity.

If you are still having trouble you would need to check the size of your feed if it is more than 512k. FeedBurner will not be able to update it.

You can also run into trouble with wrong HTML. If you are copying things and pictures off the internet and randomly posting it your blog there could be trouble. If is also advised to compose your blog in the box WordPress or blogger provides rather than using word. Some word formatting can also be trouble.

Keep in mind that tagging is very important so if the Title of you post is repeated in your Tags it can also cause confusion.

In your FeedBurner do not forget to subscribe to FeedBurner FeedMedic Alerts

Please leave your comments suggestions and other valuable information.

An original post by


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