

Friday, June 18, 2010

PetVille Magic Genie

PetVille has just announced that the Magic Genie game will be released soon. From what we can summarize the game will be released in Tahiki so make sure you already have your Tahiki keys and you own your own private beach. Maybe this magic genie will get washed up on your shore in a bottle. You need to collect these bottles to get your Magic Lamp. Once you get your Magic Lamp you can then rub it and ask the genie for some free stuff.

So the Magic Genie is here to give you free stuff and help you gte on in your game. It appears you can ask the magic genie for anything you wish in the game only.

There are people already asking the genie for stuff in real life. That is not going to happen and be prepared for this new game that is going to add a whole lot of zing to your game.  You can house your Magic Genie in your Tahiki Hut. Be on the lookout for the Magic Lamp

If you have anymore info about the Magic Genie please do let us know in the comments section

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