

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Vampire Wars Wings

Wings are now available in Vampire Wars for both male and female avatars. Red, Black and Purple wings are available to be crafted and you need to get the artisans to craft your wings. After crafting and collecting any pair of wings you can equip your avatar with the same. 

To craft wings you will need Devil's Hide, which is a free giftable. There are six ways to collect Devil's Hide.
1. Gifting Mystery Boxes
2. Harvesting them from the collector.
3. Receiving drops from Akem's Gamble.
4. Mandy's blood magic Wheel
5. Ancient Vampiric chest found in missions.
6. Elders will be offering all three colors of Devil's hide for Favor Points.

You must also have the necessary Devil's Hide for the Artisans to craft the wings for you.

If you choose to exchange Devil’s Hide to get the Artisans to begin crafting your Wings, the process will take seven days.  If you are eager, you can have your friends help you reduce the crafting time, or you may bribe the Artisans with Favor Points to craft them faster.


For the Black Wings the bonus is +10 defense and +5 rage.

For the Purple Wings the bonus is +10 energy and +5 rage.

For the Red Wings the bonus is +10 attack and +5 rage.

For completing and crafting all three pairs of Wings, you will be rewarded with an additional stat bonus of +10 Attack, +10 Defense and +5 Rage.

If you would like to preview the Wings on your avatar before you craft them, you can check out the avatar shop where you can try the Wings on.  To locate this feature, go to the Avatar Shop on the “New Items” tab or the “Other” tab.  The “Try On” button will be available for you to sample what the fantastic new wings will look like on your avatar.

[Source Vampire Wars]

An original post by



  1. Hey, any idea what's going on with the game? It looks like it disappeared from facebook!

  2. The latest thing in the game is Wings. No new updates after that from Vampire Wars. There seems to be a lull for now. To follow them on FB you need to become a fan of their page.

  3. When someone posts on vampire wars asking for hihde for their wings, it appears that u can only give blackk hide, is that right?

    FB: Laura Swaqqer McMarshmellow
    MS: Hello, I'm Pants

  4. When someone clicks on your link to give you Hide you get Random colors

  5. The wings aren't a limited time thing, are they? I don't think they are but I wanted to be sure.

  6. The wings are not a limited item.
