

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Video: Lady Gaga's Premier of 'Alejandro' has celebrities swiping at her on Twitter

Lady Gaga just premiered her new video for Alejandro and Katy Perry is already taking a virtual swipe at the pop singer. Awww…has someone had her hatorade today?

After Gaga unveiled her video, Katy tweeted, “Using blasphemy as entertainment is as cheap as a comedian telling a fart joke.” And using lesbianism to sell yourself is akin to prostitution. Dirty hooker, lay off the Godga.

For someone who looks like a cheap version of Rainbow Brite, I think I’d be more accustomed to keeping my mouth shut. Just saying that someone sounds a little butthurt that her song didn’t pan out for her like she wanted. Hater.

 Featuring German themes. Lots of references to Madonna and musical references to Ace Of Base. The costumes you need to see for yourself and of religious imagery there is a lot. Seems that Lady Gaga knows and understands mixing of music and imagery better that anyone else right now. The Video already has 1,632,962 views online. Even though it is just a day old. The Video is controversial and over the next few weeks we shall see the whole thing play out. The song has a very catchy tune. 

Watch it now.

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