

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Videos: The Vuvuzela Explained.

For those of you following the World Cup 2010 in earnest will know that there is constant din in the background. This noise never seems to die down and is always there. many players and broadcasters have complained about this din. The organizers however are not really ready to get rid of the Vuvuzela. Vuvuzela's represent the spirit of the African people and this is the host's nations way of bringing a carnival spirit and indeed the spirit of African Triumph to showcase to the whole world.

As FIFA president Sepp Blatter has pointed out in defense of the incessant VUVUZELAS, those calling for the plastic horns to be banned do not understand African culture. The Vuvuzelas have become part of South African’s sporting culture, and banning it on their home soil would amount to intolerance of the host nation’s culture. Again, as Blatter has correctly observed, Africa has a different rhythm and a different sound, and indeed, the sound of the incessant Vuvuzelas is definitely unique, however, disruptive and annoying some might find it.

So what is a Vuvuzela check out the videos below to have your doubts cleared.

The fourth video is really funny. These videos explain everything there is to know about a Vuvuzela and even how to blow one. Blowing one is fairly simply anyone with any experience in blowing horned instruments would know the score. 

What do you think should they be banned?

An original post by


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