

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

What is Fourwhere and how does it work

Fourwhere is a mashup between Google Maps, Foursquare, Gowalla and Yelp. All of these being location based services. Geo-location being the center of it all. If you want to search for a place all you need to do is to enter your location in the search bar on top and click search. 

The Google map automatically shows you your location and you can click on the locations you want to know more about and you get automatic reviews that pop up about the place you want to know more about. Reviews come from Foursquare, Gowalla and Yelp. Giving you lots of information for you to discover many new places and find new stuff.

Fourwhere has this to say about themselves if you visit them

FourWhere helps you to find comments, tips for venues left byFoursquareGowalla and Yelp users. FourWhere automatically retrieves and aggregates user comments and visualizes them on the map. To use FourWhere, provide your location, and then click on the map to see venues (locations) or tips (comments written about a particular place).

FourWhere is public service so there's no need to register or sign in. All you need is your web browser. Go ahead, start discovering the world around you.

FourWhere is built by 
Sysomos using the public data from Foursquare, Gowalla, Yelp and the Google Maps API. 

All very simple and very useful. Fourwhere being a mashup between the best Geo-location services around means you will be able to throughly research a place before visiting it. It will also help you discover new and exciting places and locations and show you hot to reach it on the map. Fourwhere is really cool.

Access Fourwhere

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