

Sunday, June 20, 2010

YoVille Jobs Explained

This is an official post by Zynga's Platinum Ninja

1. You want to earn more coins.

2. You want more job options and choices surrounding how you earn coins.

3. You want earning coins to be fun.

We want you to know that we’ve listened to this feedback and we’ve just introduced new jobs to many players in YoVille! These jobs will provide new fun things to do in YoVille, give you an option to choose how you want to earn your coins, and give you a chance to find rare items in game! The more you play jobs the more you will level up, unlock new jobs, earn more money, and earn rare items!

Overall this feature is going to bring you more items, more coins and more fun! We’ve added tons of different jobs in YoVille. Come play and discover your dream job in YoVille! Become a Party Entertainer, Pet Rescuer, Ghost Hunter and many more. Try out the new Jobs Game and discover your favorite!


Lets check out how this feature is going to work. First, let’s go over a few changes to your screen and icons:) You’ll now have a Job Briefcase, Energy Backpack and an Energy Bar. The Briefcase will be found at the bottom, left hand side of the screen and will be your starting point for all the jobs you want to complete! Click here when you are ready to start collecting all your coins, YP and awesome rare items!


The Energy Bar and Backpack are located at the top of the screen. The Energy Bar will keep track of your current level of energy.  The Energy Backpack icon will allow you to access energy that you have collected and give you the option to use this energy or buy more.


It takes Energy to complete Jobs and or work at the Widget Factory. This means that you will get to choose how you want to earn your coins. You can either complete exciting new Jobs, or if you’re short on time you can still clock in at the Widget Factory.

You will  need 100% energy to be able to work at the factory.  Your Energy automatically replenishes to 100% every 5 hours.  If you choose to work at the Widget Factory you will be able to do so every 5 hours. This is a recent change from the 6 hour wait period that you used to have at the Widget Factory.

Some days you may want to mix and match these options. If you’re rushed in the morning and you just want to make sure you get some coins, head over to the Widget Factory and collect your standard pay. If you have a little time for fun, make sure you try out a new Job!  On average the new Jobs will allow you to earn a lot more coins than the factory. You’ll also pick up rare items that are only available in jobs, and unlock new jobs as you complete them and level up. Higher level jobs earn higher amounts of coins.

Let’s check out some of the basics of the Jobs Game!

How do I do  a Job?

Click on the Briefcase icon at the bottom of the screen. You will then be given a choice of several different and exciting jobs to try.  You can have fun being a Party Entertainer, Animal Rescuer, and Ghost Hunter. Give them all a try and discover you favorite! By completing Jobs and mastering Job Categories  you will unlock move jobs, earn lots of coins and pick up rare items along the way!


When you choose a Job you will be taken to the Job Locations. This may be in an alleyway, a YoVille Party or even a Haunted House! There will be a key mission in your job that you must complete. For example let’s check out the Ghost Hunter Job - Creepy Keepsake.


In this  Job your mission is to find all 9 statues. Once you choose to do this job, you’ll be taken to a Haunted House full of ghosts! You will then need to click on all of the ghosts to bust them. Busting the ghosts will give you awesome prizes, coins and YP while you search for the statues. After you are done clicking on all of the ghosts in a room you will see footsteps that lead you to the next room full of ghosts. Once you find all 9 statues your job will be completed and you will be rewarded!

*Hint* You’ll see hints along the way to help you find the statues faster.  Also when you collect them all you will get an extra coin reward, so be sure to complete your jobs.


Tips for completing Jobs:

Clicking on ghosts is fun, but it also takes your Energy. You use 6 Energy for every ghost you bust.


Remember to pick up all the coins, YP and prizes that the ghosts leave behind. You’ll find lots of rewards to pick up so make sure to not forget anything!


You’ll see hints along the way to help you find the statues. Follow the hints to complete the job faster.


How do I receive Energy?

There are multiple ways  to receive energy. Your Energy Bar automatically replenishes to 100% every 5 hours.  Check the timer below your Energy Bar if you want to know when to expect more.

You’ll also collect Energy Drinks while completing jobs. It will be a large Energy Drink that will appear after clicking on the ghost, so make sure to click on it.  Each Energy Drink will give you some extra energy so try to collect as many as you can!


If you need energy fast you can purchase 100% energy by clicking on the Energy Backpack and then Energy Refill. This will be an extra way to get that energy refill fast if you are itching to get to that next job! If you’re not in a hurry, you can always wait for you energy to replenish for free.

You can now receive and share energy through Feeds and Free Gifts. We’ll have two separate feeds that you can post depending on if you are out of energy or if you just found some energy and want to share with friends. So whether you are out of energy or feeling generous make sure to “share” or ask for help and help each other out!

Don’t forget you’ll also be able to send your friends these new Free Gift energy drink as well so ask your friends to send you some energy drinks and send some back in return.

Energy Free Gifts


Energy Feed #1 - After you have found a bucket of energy drinks during YoVille Jobs and want to share them with your friends



Energy Feed #2 - Will allow you to ask your friends for more energy when you run out



*Please note that if you do not have jobs yet but are seeing the Energy Drink feeds that you can still click in on the Feeds to receive Energy and we will store them for you until you receive this feature. However until you receive this feature it they will not  be viewable yet. Once you do receive the feature you can find them in your inventory under “Special”. Also, if you do not have the feature yet and receive the Energy Free Gifts you will receive coins instead until you receive this feature :)*

For the Jobs FAQ please visit the following link:http://www.yoville.com/jobsfaq/

Well that’s about all folks! Congrats to all of the Party House Contest Winners again! Many of you will be seeing your homes showcased in the Jobs Game under the Party Entertainer. =)

We also want to say a huge thank you to the small team of players who have already helped test the new Jobs. They’ve spent a lot of time testing, sending feedback, and reporting bugs so that our team could make fixes before we release this. You guys have been awesome and we appreciate your help!


Platinum Ninja

This article originally appeared on YoVille Lounge

An original post by


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