

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Anyone can now build an App For Android Phones

How to build an App for Android Phones?

Google has launched App Inventor for Android. You can now build your own Apps. The best part is that you do not need to have any programming knowledge. You can start up by simply visualizing your App and go from there. You can also build any App you want since the Apps are not limited to only games. You get all the functionalities of any professional App you've seen including a database and GPS. You can build Movie Apps, Education Apps, Cooking and Feed Apps, just about anything. 

This is surely going to be a huge draw as anyone who likes using Apps can now get a chance to create one themselves. If you got that Great App Idea for an Android based phone. Here is your chance now to go and create that App you've always dreamed off.

The App Inventor is based on blocks which allows you to easily drag and drop and place on top and it's a really simple and easy to use interface. 

Watch App Inventor in action. To go build your own App please click here.

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