

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Ask the Octopus Oracle App now available

Paul the German psychic Octopus  who successfully predicted all the German Teams matches and was also used to predict the final, now is am App. Available at the iTunes store for $0.99, his powers area available to you now for less than a dollar. Paul's predictions did help people earn small fortunes, the ones betting on his predictions. Well now if your undecided about which move to go to, Pizza or Sushi, Mercia or Andrea why not just ask the octopus.

This is a creation by uTouchLabs a Brazilian software development firm. To view the App at the iTunes store please click here

The real Paul off-course is now retired and gone back to doing what he does best entertaining children, he is now 2 and a half years old which is quiet old for an Octopus.

An original post by


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