

Saturday, July 31, 2010

BlackBerry BlackPad

What is the BlackBerry BlackPad?

Research In Motion (RIM) makers of the popular BalckBerry Smartphone, plan to introduce a new tablet computer similar to the iPad. This according to Bloomberg. The new Blackpad is reported to be similar in size to the iPad, would include Wi-Fi and Bluetooth and allow tethering to BlackBerrys. An addition to this new device would be a front facing camera, something not found in the iPad. 

There is no official statement to this effect from the company. So how much truth there is to this story remains to be seen. 

RIM is stepping up its competition with Apple on multiple fronts. The company is hosting an event in New York Aug. 3 at which it will debut its BlackBerry 9800 slider phone, according to one person familiar with its plans. The device will feature a full touchscreen like Apple’s iPhone and a slideout Qwerty keyboard to allow for easy e-mail typing, the person said.

It has also been reported that RIM has taken over the domain Blackpad.com. 

So if RIM is serious about taking on Apple and Apple type devices will they succeed. Given that Apple now has a cult like following. Apple is looked at like a religion these days with Steve Jobs the prophet leading with his staff and giving the people the Tablet. This Moses type device seems to belong only to the prophet who brought it down to ordinary people. 

To expect people to leave a device that has the Apple logo and buy something else seems even sacrilegious theses days. More than anything else, Steve Jobs and Apple are respected by people because he was thrown out into exile and came back to bring change into people's lives. 

That is not to say that other companies can't succeed. But companies who copy will always be known as such. It is better to bring out something new and different that just imitating. Though it is not wrong. Something new and revolutionary will garner more sales and more good will for the product. 

An original post by


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