

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Blippr: How does it work

It is safe to say that Blippr is a place for you to find and share things that you like. People are always searching for stuff like what is a nice book to read, movie to watch, iPhone App to help you shop and what not. Blippr present you with a new way to find books you never heard about before, introduce you to new music both in terms of upcoming artists and new genres. It will also help you find useful Apps to make your everyday life easier. 

Blippr has a way of tracking your tastes and recommending things you might like. This is done by learning more about you by the things you do and the people you connect with on the site. If you are interested in Media primarily you can find a lot of it on Blippr. 

The unique thing about the site is you can browse through stuff and share your opinion. You can also read what other people have to save about the product or media you are interested in. The thing about it though is that you do not have to trudge through long reviews about the product because Blippr allows only 160 characters or less for you to form and share you opinion. So you get to read what others are saying about the latest movie and it's been said in 160 characters or less. This way to get to read more from more number of users before you can finally decide on what you want to do.

You also get to share and voice your opinion on products and media you would like to comment on. This is also a way for you to get your voice out there and be heard. 

You can also connect to Blipper with either Facebook or Twitter this reduces the hassle of going to the official signup page. 

You can also make Blippr a central hub for your media life. You can connect  Connect to your Netflix account, Last.fm account, Steam account, and more. Blippr will automatically collect the media you consume, and give it to you in an easy-to-manage centralized library. Never lose that song you loved, or that book you wanted to read ever again.

To get started you would either need to signup or connect with your Facebook or Twitter account. Try it now as it is fast fun and easy. It's also totally free to use

An original post by


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