

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Cafe World Never have to clean again with the No Clean Fairy

Cafe World has released the No Clean Fairy to amke sure you never have to clean your cafe again. Each time your stove gets dirty it will automatically clean itself. In addition you also get Cafe Points for cleaning. You can also stop this magical power whenever you want by sending the fairy to storage. 

How to get the No Clear Fairy in Cafe World.

You can find these new magical decor items with special powers in the store next to the stoves. 

The Fairy costs 95 Cafe Cash, and if you don't have a single Cafe dollar on you, you can buy a set of 120 Cafe Cash for $16 USD in the game. Granted, that's not cheap, and if you plan to be a long-term, real money spender in the game, the 780 Cafe Cash for $50 USD is the best deal.

You can find the No Clean Fairy hiding in the newest section of the Cafe World in-game store by clicking on "Functional Items", then "Special Items" (it's got an icon of a big blue jewel).

This is what Cafe World has to say about the No Clean Fairy.

Hiya Chefs! NEVER CLEAN AGAIN! The No Clean Fairy is available in Cafe World! When you place the No Clean Fairy in your cafĂ©, your stoves will clean themselves and NEVER get dirty but you still get Cafe Points for cleaning. If you would like to shut off the fairy’s special powers, simply store the No Clean Fairy in your inventory for later use. You can find these new magical decor items with special powers in the store next to the stoves. 

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