

Saturday, July 31, 2010

Facebook Questions

Searching for answers, ask Facebook questions. This is how Facebook has been introducing a new feature to users. This kind of works like Yahoo Answers, where users ask questions that get shared with everyone across the platform and other users are free to answer. This new feature has been released for some beta testers but not ready for users across Facebook. The Facebook questions feature will appear on the top left hand column of your homepage. Once you click on "Ask Questions", your questions will be shared with your friends and also all the other 500 million Facebook users. So you get answers from everyone including your friends, which makes it a personalized affair.

How does Facebook Questions work?

These are some answers provided by Facebook.

To ask a question to the community, just click the "Ask Question" button at the top of the homepage. You can also ask questions about your friends from their profiles, similarly to how you would post on their Walls.After you ask a question, you have the option of adding a photo or a poll.

To help show your question to the most relevant people and ensure the best answers, you can tag it with a specific topic. For instance, if you have a question about what type of camera you should buy, you could tag it with "Photography." If you want to find the best bike routes in the area, you might tag it with "Cycling."

The questions you ask will be shown to people who have expressed interest in the particular topics you tag, as well as to your friends and friends of friends.

You can browse answers from people with deep knowledge on a topic or click "Follow" under any question to receive a notification each time someone submits a new answer. 

You can browse through all of the questions to help find ones you may have never thought to ask. Just select "Everything" from the "Questions about" drop-down menu at the top of the application, and click "Next Question" to start exploring questions and sharing your answers.

You can go here to get a preview of Facebook Questions www.facebook.com/questions

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