

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

FarmVille Collections: How does it work

Collections have now come to FarmVille. Collections are a major part of the game; FrontierVille.

So how do FarmVille collections work. You find these collections while plowing, harvesting trees and animals and fertilizing friend's and neighbor's crops. You can get hint's of where to find these collections once the collection icon pops up. Simply mouse over the icon to get your hints. 

If you find rare and uncommon collectible's you can then share these with your friends. Some collections however can only be found from gifts sent from friends. When you find an entire set of collectibles, you can then turn it in or trade in for a reward of XP, coins and Fuel. (250XP, 5,000 coins or 5 Tanks of Fuel)

Current set of collections available in FarmVille

1. Bugs Collection
2. Country Kitsch Collection
3. Button Collection
4. Gardening Tools Collection
5. Butterfly Collection
6. Feather Collection

The Lightening Collection (Currently there is only set but more are coming)
1. Gem Stone Collection.

You will need to get 10 of each item listed in the set. Once you trade in your collection you can post a news alert telling your neighbors of your achievement and if they click your fed within 24 hours they will get  a random collectible from the same set you just completed. 

An original post by


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