

Monday, July 19, 2010

FarmVille Gemstone Collection

As part of the lighting collections in FarmVille there is now the Gemstone Collection. Lighting collections in FarmVille are only available for a short time and you can complete the collection by purchasing the items or while planting crops. 

Once you find an item you can share it with friends, store it and get a complete set and be rewarded with a shiny new trophy. 

The Lightning Gemstone Collection has 6 components.

Free Gifables ( 3 Items ) or available for 1 $FV:
* Topaz - Common
* Amethyst - Common
* Turquoise - Common

The remaining 3 Gemstones can be found while planting crops or purchased for $FV:
* Ruby 2$FV - Uncommon
* Emerald 2$FV - Uncommon
* Diamond 3$FV -Rare

You can either find the collectibles, accept them as gifts or purchase the entire set for 10FV. Once the collection is complete players receive XP and the Gemstone Trophy. Once completed it cannot be done again. 

An original post by


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