

Saturday, July 24, 2010

FishVille New Bayou Decorations

A bayou is a body of water typically found in flat, low-lying areas, and can refer either to an extremely slow-moving stream or river (often with a poorly defined shoreline), or to a marshy lake or wetland. These new bayou Themed decorations are now available in FishVille. 

A whole new startup screen now awaits you in FishVille telling you about the new Bayou Decorations available for your tank. FishVille says " Create a land of wonder with surprises such as shrunken heads, voodoo dolls and talisman's. You'll find everything you need to make that swampy home more inviting within your FishVille tank".

You have The Following Bayou Themed Decorations now available. 

1. Bullfrog
2. Swamp Shack
3. Voodoo Doll
4. Mambo's Talisman
5. shrunkenhead man
6. Mimosa Tree
7. Cattails
8. Petrified Stump

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