

Sunday, July 11, 2010

FrontierVille How to get instant energy

Wondering how to get energy in FrontierVille. Well Zynga the makes of FrontierVille have just shown us a new way of getting instant energy. The all so precious and elusive commodity on FrontierVille. Everyone seems to just be on a quest for energy and never seem to have enough. Well if you have been playing the game for some time you must have amassed a hugh collection of stuff. 

How to get more energy by trading in your collections.

1. Login to FrontierVille
2. Click on "My Stuff". You know that icon at the bottom of the game that has a backpack.
3. Click on Collections
4. Click on Trade In
5. You collections that have real value are traded in and you get instant energy.

How do you get stuff in your collections. You know all those challenges and quests that you have been doing. All of those items that you gather get stored in "Collections'. So by clicking in collections you get to see all the items you have collected and these items can be traded in or turned in to get more energy.

Note: Turn these in at the risk of redoing some of your collections to get bonuses. So if you want energy trade them in but you might have to redo some of your challenges.

An original post by


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